Welsh Parliament 
 Equality and Social Justice Committee
 Fuel poverty and the Warm Homes Programme 
 Terms of Reference 






The terms of reference for the inquiry are to examine:

What are the main lessons learned from the Welsh Government’s current Warm Homes Programme?


·         How can these lessons help shape the next iteration of the Warm Homes Programme to ensure that it better supports those living in, or at risk of, fuel poverty? In particular:

-      what should the eligibility criteria for home energy efficiency measures be,  

-      should the area-based approach to tackling fuel poverty (Arbed) continue,

-      what specific support should be made available to meet the challenges associated with rural fuel poverty?

-      how can private sector landlords be encouraged to tackle fuel poverty amongst tenants?

-      how can any successor scheme(s) better advance equality and social justice considerations?


·         How can the Welsh Government ensure that the next iteration of the Warm Homes Programme better aligns with its efforts to decarbonise Welsh housing?